• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet:
Team Member Name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: The Record of Hackensack, NJ Date: 12/21/2010
Team Member Name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: The Record of Hackensack, NJ Date: 12/21/2010
Cartoonist: Jimmy Margulies U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Dream Act Voted Down Cartoon# 1
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Title of the cartoon: Dream Act Voted Down Cartoon# 1
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
This cartoon depicts the republican party voting down the Dream Act in December, 2010 which would have made it possible for immigrants born in the United States to obtain citizenship by either attending a higher education institution or serving in the U.S. military. It suggests thes not allow immigrants born in the U.S. as legally able to consider it their homeland.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
The U.S. is not welcoming immigrants into the country, and doesn't consider them as having a part in their home.
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
The U.S. is not welcoming immigrants into the country, and doesn't consider them as having a part in their home.
Team Member Name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: The Arizona Star Date: 12/16/2010Cartoonist: David Fitzsimmons U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Immigrant Anchor Baby Cartoon# 2
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The author of this cartoon compares the immigration myth of anchor babies to the biblical account of Joseph fleeing to Egypt with Mary and the baby Jesus. The anchor baby theory suggests undocumented workers cross the United States border and raise children to become automatic U.S. citizens in hopes of lowering their chances of being deported. The cartoon is set in Arizona where debate over its immigration policy continues.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies.
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
It seems the cartoon is suggesting untruth in the myth that undocumented workers are planting babies in the U.S. to become automatic citizens and lower their chances of being deported.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies.
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
It seems the cartoon is suggesting untruth in the myth that undocumented workers are planting babies in the U.S. to become automatic citizens and lower their chances of being deported.
Team Member Name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: Hoover Digest Date: 11/19/2010
Publication: Hoover Digest Date: 11/19/2010
Cartoonist: Taylor Jones U.S.
Title of the cartoon: John McCain Cartoon# 85969
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Title of the cartoon: John McCain Cartoon# 85969
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The cartoon is set in Arizona, where McCain has urged for stricter patrol and border policies, supporting what is considered one of the most controversial immigration laws ever put into practice. It allows immigrants to be held and detained at even the slightest hint of them being without documentation, and making the absence of immigration documents a crime. Many have opposed the law, saying it causes unfair racial profiling practices.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
It seems the cartoon suggests the strict rules in Arizona are constricting the U.S. and causing unnecessary anxiety. The artist depicts John McCain sweating bullets over the issue.
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
It seems the cartoon suggests the strict rules in Arizona are constricting the U.S. and causing unnecessary anxiety. The artist depicts John McCain sweating bullets over the issue.
Team member name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: Green Bay Press-Gazette Date: 7/29/2010
Cartoonist: Joe Heller U.S.
Cartoonist: Joe Heller U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Arizona Law Cartoon # 81335
What action is taking place in the cartoon?Construction workers put up a "crossing sign" signaling drivers to be cautious of immigrants running across the highway near the U.S. border in Arizona. A second warning sign has been tacked on, alerting drivers of police chasing as well. The construction workers nail in another board, warning of a judge with justice scales joining the chase. The cartoon raises the question of who is morally right in the immigration controversy.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Positive framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
The cartoon seems to suggest are many issues following what is going on at the border. While it leaves it up to the reader to decide makes the point that the justice system is questioning what is right, and continues to debate or "chase down" the issue.
Team Member Name: Jenna Anderson
Publication: The Denver Post Date: 12/10/2010
Cartoonist: Keefe U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Dream Act Cartoon# 86802
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Publication: The Denver Post Date: 12/10/2010
Cartoonist: Keefe U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Dream Act Cartoon# 86802
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The Dream Act, which would allow for undocumented citizens born in the United States to gain citizenship through service to the U.S. military or attending a higher education institution, was voted down in December of 2010. The cartoonist is showing here how the hopes and dreams of immigrant's and their children's futures are being squashed by what has been mostly republican opposition. The largeness of the elephant implies that the immigrant doesn't stand a chance, and was given hope only to be taken away at the last moment.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positve framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Hard-working immigrants are not able to have the future they desire, and not given a chance in the U.S.

Team Member Name: ____Danielle Ivins _______________________________
Publication______Salt Lake Tribune________________________Date:_2011______
Cartoonist:_____Pat Bagley_________________________U.S./International (circle)us
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#_6__
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)Positive
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)Negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon shows two Caucasian Americans (who are bigger than anything else, their eyes are closed making it seem they are oblivious to immigration. They are portrayed as wealthy, larger people, who have their noses in the air, implying they are stuck up. Everywhere around them are Spanish people working in all areas of life. The text shows how oblivious they are to their surroundings, how everywhere they turn there is a Spanish worker, yet they don’t see what is right on front of their faces. The picture also shows how the Spanish workers are catering to the Caucasian people, while they are strutting along in their fancy clothes.

Team Member Name: _____Danielle Ivins______________________________
Publication______New York NY________________________Date:___2009____
Cartoonist:_____Justin Bilicki_________________________U.S./International (circle)us
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#_7__
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon has a Mexico immigrant with his bags packed, crossing the border into the United States. There is a police officer in front of him telling him to go home, however, his message is being smothered by the bigger message. The man with “business” on his jacket is very large, he has wide open hands to welcome this illegal immigrant. This follows the stories that are coming out about big businesses wanting to hire illegal immigrants to do work for a very small amount of money.

Team Member Name: ___Danielle Ivins________________________________
Publication_____Cagle Cartoons_________________________Date:__2009_____
Cartoonist:_____Mike Lane_________________________U.S./International (circle)U.S
Title of the cartoon:___Hat Dance______________________________Cartoon#__8_
What action is taking place in the cartoon?Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer) Positive
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)Negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon is very similar to the last, it shows big business “dancing” on immigrant labor. He is depicted as triumphant, that he is able to hire cheap labor and save more of the money for himself or his company. The worker underneath is viewed as suppressed, sad, he is slumped over with a frown on his face, sitting on the ground.
Tone of the cartoon:
Positve framing of undocumented immigrants
Negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Hard-working immigrants are not able to have the future they desire, and not given a chance in the U.S.
Team Member Name: ____Danielle Ivins _______________________________
Publication______Salt Lake Tribune________________________Date:_2011______
Cartoonist:_____Pat Bagley_________________________U.S./International (circle)us
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#_6__
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)Positive
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)Negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon shows two Caucasian Americans (who are bigger than anything else, their eyes are closed making it seem they are oblivious to immigration. They are portrayed as wealthy, larger people, who have their noses in the air, implying they are stuck up. Everywhere around them are Spanish people working in all areas of life. The text shows how oblivious they are to their surroundings, how everywhere they turn there is a Spanish worker, yet they don’t see what is right on front of their faces. The picture also shows how the Spanish workers are catering to the Caucasian people, while they are strutting along in their fancy clothes.
Team Member Name: _____Danielle Ivins______________________________
Publication______New York NY________________________Date:___2009____
Cartoonist:_____Justin Bilicki_________________________U.S./International (circle)us
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#_7__
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon has a Mexico immigrant with his bags packed, crossing the border into the United States. There is a police officer in front of him telling him to go home, however, his message is being smothered by the bigger message. The man with “business” on his jacket is very large, he has wide open hands to welcome this illegal immigrant. This follows the stories that are coming out about big businesses wanting to hire illegal immigrants to do work for a very small amount of money.
Team Member Name: ___Danielle Ivins________________________________
Publication_____Cagle Cartoons_________________________Date:__2009_____
Cartoonist:_____Mike Lane_________________________U.S./International (circle)U.S
Title of the cartoon:___Hat Dance______________________________Cartoon#__8_
What action is taking place in the cartoon?Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer) Positive
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)Negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This cartoon is very similar to the last, it shows big business “dancing” on immigrant labor. He is depicted as triumphant, that he is able to hire cheap labor and save more of the money for himself or his company. The worker underneath is viewed as suppressed, sad, he is slumped over with a frown on his face, sitting on the ground.
Team Member Name: __Danielle Ivins _________________________________
Publication_______Cagle Cartoons_______________________Date:__2010_____
Cartoonist:_______Dario Castillejos__________________U.S./International (circle)u.s.
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#_9_
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer) negative
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon? This one shows uncle Sam getting his shoes shined by a Spanish worker. His other foot is swung back seeming to come forward and “boot” the worker out of here. The worker is shown as small, hunched over, and his clothes falling off.
Team Member Name: ____Danielle Ivins _______________________________
Publication______cagle cartoons________________________Date:_____2009__
Cartoonist:____Angel Boligan__________________________U.S./International (circle) International
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon# 10___
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Here we have arms dressed with the American flag pushing an immigrant in one direction, and arms with the Mexican flag pushing in the opposite direction. The immigrant is literally severed in half as he is being pushed in both directions. The cartoon seems to say “get out” with the American hands, and “go in” with the Mexican hands. 11
Team Member Name: ____Danielle Ivins_______________________________
Publication________Cagle Cartoons______________________Date:___3-22-11____
Cartoonist:____Brian Fairrington__________________________U.S./International (circle)U.S.
Title of the cartoon:_________________________________Cartoon#__11_
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants (circle answer)positive
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies (Circle answer)negative
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? What action is taking place in the cartoon?
The woman at the front of the restaurant is explaining that she doesn’t think illegal immigrants should be given benefits. Meanwhile, two illegal immigrants in the background are discussing benefits and what they mean to America. They recognize the improvement they have on the American economy for being cheap labor, five dollars an hour.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: Robert Benson
Publication: Cagle Cartoons Inc. Date:_______
Cartoonist: Daryl Cagle U.S.
Title of the cartoon: Cartoon# 15
What action is taking place in the cartoon? The action in the cartoon is that the United Sates is very unwelcoming to immigrants. This depicts that it is against our constitution to allow people in. The use of the statue of liberty, our national symbol, kicking out an immigrant states that we do not want them here at all. This makes the U.S. out to be a very bad place because we offer no assistance to anybody.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) negative framing of undocumented immigrants
2) negative framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
The thing shown here is that we do not want any illegals in our country at all and we need to be more strict on our policies.
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IMMIGRATION & UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS Team Member Name: Robert Benson Publication: Bold Opinions for Mewspapers and New Media Date: July 19, 2010 Cartoonist: Khalil Bendib U.S. Title of the cartoon: Help Wanted Cartoon# 17 What action is taking place in the cartoon? This Cartoon is showing how the big business owners of our nation are trying to get illegal immigrants into America and the police and the Government are attempting to get them out. This depicts how much we want to have these undocumented workers in or country for business because it keeps their cost of labor way down and makes it so they make so much more of a profit because they sell the product for the same price at half the cost to make it. This shows the mixed messages that immigrants get form our nation. Tone of the cartoon: 1) Both positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants 2) negative framing of immigration policies What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants? This show us the reality of how we do not have a clear stance on immigration in our country and there are things we want from both sides. ![]() |
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__Cagle Cartoons____________________________Date:__8/20/2010_____
Cartoonist:__Pavel Constantin, Romania______________U.S./International ***
Title of the cartoon:__Immigration_______________________________Cartoon#___
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__Cagle Cartoons____________________________Date:__8/20/2010_____
Cartoonist:__Pavel Constantin, Romania______________U.S./International ***
Title of the cartoon:__Immigration_______________________________Cartoon#___
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Immigrants are trying to cross the border into America
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants- none
2) positive or negative*** framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Entering the USA is confusing and hard because of the border controls.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__The Arizona Star_______________________Date:_08/11/2010______
Cartoonist:__David Fitzsimmons____________________________U.S.***/International (circle)
Title of the cartoon:___America and Immigration____________Cartoon#_81684__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Uncle Sam’s changing mood over the years when America used to welcome immigrant to now disliking them.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative *** framing of undocumented immigrants
2) positive or negative *** framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__The Arizona Star_______________________Date:_08/11/2010______
Cartoonist:__David Fitzsimmons____________________________U.S.***/International (circle)
Title of the cartoon:___America and Immigration____________Cartoon#_81684__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Uncle Sam’s changing mood over the years when America used to welcome immigrant to now disliking them.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative *** framing of undocumented immigrants
2) positive or negative *** framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
That America has changed their minds when times are changing, what used to be okay is now becoming frowned upon.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: __Andrew Brown_________________________________
Publication__Cagle Cartoons____________________________Date:_08/13/2010______
Cartoonist:_Manny Francisco, The Phillipines___________U.S./International ***
Title of the cartoon:_Immigration policy maze___________________Cartoon#__81764_
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: __Andrew Brown_________________________________
Publication__Cagle Cartoons____________________________Date:_08/13/2010______
Cartoonist:_Manny Francisco, The Phillipines___________U.S./International ***
Title of the cartoon:_Immigration policy maze___________________Cartoon#__81764_
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
Shows the changing difficulty of becoming an American over the years
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants- none
2) positive or negative*** framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive or negative framing of undocumented immigrants- none
2) positive or negative*** framing of immigration policies
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
That over the years, the immigration policy has become so ridiculously hard when it used to be very easy. Also if you look at the maze, it is impossible to solve, which may make it seem like immigration is impossible.
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__The Arizona Star____________________________Date:_6/9/2010______
Cartoonist:__David Fitzsimmons____________________________U.S.***/International
Title of the cartoon:__another wall________________________Cartoon#_79448__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
• Cartoon Analysis Worksheet: Include with each cartoon.
Team Member Name: _Andrew Brown__________________________________
Publication__The Arizona Star____________________________Date:_6/9/2010______
Cartoonist:__David Fitzsimmons____________________________U.S.***/International
Title of the cartoon:__another wall________________________Cartoon#_79448__
What action is taking place in the cartoon?
There is a wall around an American who hires illegal immigrants.
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive*** or negative framing of undocumented immigrants
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies-none
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
Tone of the cartoon:
1) positive*** or negative framing of undocumented immigrants
2) positive or negative framing of immigration policies-none
What “reality” is constructed/framed about immigration/immigrants?
This cartoon tries to show that it is not the illegal immigrants’ faults but it is the faults of many Americans that hire them and the solution would be to put them in a wall.